


The internet’s original promise was that it would make us smarter, more connected and more empathetic. Instead the opposite happened. We have become less intelligent, disconnected and meaner to each other.

The Shilo app is designed to deliver on that original promise.

On our platform, you create spaces to preserve, curate and perfect all the things that matter to you. Then, connect with people you love and share your spaces with them. You can also join communities of people who, just like you, are creating a rich tapestry of meaningful memories, ideas, and inspirations.

Sound good?

Contact us now for download access. Pricing starts at 10$ per month.


Legacy Codex is an exploration of what it truly means to be human. This album, available in SHILO, is an introduction to a breathtaking odyssey through time and space. You'll be captivated by stunning visuals, a gripping score, enchanting characters and a compelling story that explores the nature of atonement, love, and the intricate weave of existence.

Pricing starts at 20$, contact us for full details.